Clinical application of fiber choledochoscope in treatment of retained biliary tract stones: An analysis of 573 cases
目的探讨纤维胆道镜治疗胆道术后残余结石的方法及价值。方法回顾分析2003年1月-2012年12月应用纤维胆道镜治疗术后胆管残余结石573例患者的临床资料。结果 573例患者中536例取净结石,取净率93.5%。取石次数1~7次,平均为(2.36±1.45)次。治疗期间一过性发热23例(4.0%),腹泻42例(7.3%),并发胆道出血7例(1.2%),胰腺炎3例(0.5%),窦道穿孔5例(0.9%),均经保守治疗痊愈。结论纤维胆道镜技术是治疗术后胆管残余结石的安全、有效方法,应作为常规技术推广普及。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical application and value of fiber choledochoscope in the treatment of postoperative retained biliary tract stones.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of 573 patients with postoperative retained biliary tract stones who were treated by the fiber choledochoscope from January 2003 to December 2012.Results Among the 573 patients, 536 (93.5%) had stones removed completely.Stone removal was performed 1-7 times (2.36±1.45 times) in each case.The complications during treatment included transient fever (23 cases, 4.0%) , diarrhea (42 cases, 7.3%) , hemobilia (7 cases, 1.2%) , pancreatitis (3 cases, 0.5%) , and sinus perforation (5 cases, 0.9%) ;all the complications were cured by conservative therapy.Conclusion The stone-removing technique using fiber choledochoscope is a safe and effective method for treating postoperative retained biliary tract stones and deserves wide application.
Key words:
- fibercholedochoscopy /
- T-tube /
- cholelithiasis
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