DOI: 10.12449/JCH240402
摘要: HCV感染是全球性的公共卫生问题,直接抗病毒药物的出现为丙型肝炎患者的治疗带来了革命性的突破。尽管直接抗病毒药物在成人患者中的治疗效果显著,但对于孕妇、婴幼儿、青少年这一特殊人群的治疗仍存在诸多挑战。本文旨在探讨这些特殊丙型肝炎人群在抗病毒治疗方面的现状及尚需解决的问题,以期为临床工作者提供参考与借鉴。Abstract: Hepatitis C virus infection is a global public health issue, and the emergence of direct-acting antiviral agents has brought revolutionary breakthroughs in the treatment of hepatitis C patients. Although direct-acting antiviral agents have a marked therapeutic effect in adult patients, there are still many challenges in the treatment of special populations such as pregnant women, infants, young children, and adolescents. This article reviews the current status of antiviral therapy for these special populations with hepatitis C and the problems that need to be solved, in order to provide reference and guidance for clinical workers.
Key words:
- Hepatitis C /
- Child /
- Pregnant Women
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