胰十二指肠切除术后胰瘘风险预测模型的建立: 基于2016新版胰瘘定义及分级系统
DOI: 10.12449/JCH240421
Establishment of a risk prediction model for pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy: A study based on the 2016 edition of the definition and classification system of pancreatic fistula
目的 比较分析2005版、2016版胰瘘定义及分级标准导致的胰十二指肠切除术(PD)术后胰瘘危险因素的差异,根据2016版胰瘘标准建立胰瘘风险预测模型。 方法 回顾性分析天津市第三中心医院2016年1月—2022年5月收治的303例行PD患者的临床资料,根据新、旧版胰瘘标准统计术后胰瘘患者,计量资料组间比较采用成组t检验或非参数检验Mann-Whitney U检验;计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验。单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析筛选两版标准对PD患者术后胰瘘的危险因素的区别,基于2016新版标准建立术后胰瘘的风险预测模型,受试者工作特征曲线分析该模型预测术后胰瘘发生的准确性并验证该模型。 结果 2005版胰瘘标准:单因素分析显示主胰管直径(χ2=31.641,P<0.001)、主胰管指数(χ2=52.777,P<0.001)、门静脉侵犯(χ2=6.259,P=0.012)、腹腔内脂肪厚度(χ2=7.665,P=0.006)、术前胆道引流(χ2=5.999,P=0.014)、胰腺癌(χ2=5.544,P=0.019)、切缘胰腺厚度(t=2.055,P=0.032)、胰腺CT值(t=-3.224,P=0.002)、术前血淀粉酶水平(Z=-2.099,P=0.036)与术后胰瘘的发生相关,Logistic回归分析显示主胰管指数[OR(95%CI)=0.000(0.000~0.011)]、胰腺癌[OR(95%CI)=4.843(1.285~18.254)]、胰腺CT值[OR(95%CI)=0.869(0.806~0.937)]为独立危险因素(P值均<0.05);而基于2016版胰瘘标准:单因素分析显示主胰管直径(χ2=5.391,P=0.020)、主胰管指数(χ2=11.394,P=0.001)、腹腔内脂肪厚度(χ2=8.899,P=0.003)、胰腺切缘厚度(t=2.665,P=0.009)、胰腺CT值(t=-2.835,P=0.004)与术后胰瘘的发生相关,Logistic回归分析显示主胰管指数[OR(95%CI)=0.001(0.000~0.050)]、胰腺CT值[OR(95%CI)=0.943(0.894~0.994)]为独立危险因素(P值均<0.05)。据此建立PD术后胰瘘风险预测模型,受试者工作特征曲线分析表明该模型预测PD术后胰瘘的曲线下面积在建模组与验证组分别为0.788(95%CI:0.707~0.870)和0.804(95%CI:0.675~0.932)。 结论 主胰管指数、胰腺CT值与PD术后胰瘘的发生密切相关,基于2016新版胰瘘标准建立的胰瘘风险预测模型具有较好的预测性能。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the differences in the risk factors for postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) between the 2005 and 2016 editions of the definition and classification standards for pancreatic fistula, and to establish a risk prediction model for pancreatic fistula based on the 2016 edition. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 303 patients who were admitted to Tianjin Third Central Hospital and underwent PD from January 2016 to May 2022, and the patients with POPF were identified based on the new and old editions. The independent-samples t test or the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of continuous data between groups, and the chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. The univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the differences in the risk factors for pancreatic fistula after PD between the two editions; a risk prediction model was established for POPF based on the 2016 edition, and the receiver operating characteristic curve was used to invesitgate the accuracy of this model in predicting POPF and perform model validation. Results According to the 2005 edition, the univariate analysis showed that the diameter of the main pancreatic duct (χ2=31.641, P<0.001), main pancreatic duct index (χ2=52.777, P<0.001), portal vein invasion (χ2=6.259, P=0.012), intra-abdominal fat thickness (χ2=7.665, P=0.006), preoperative biliary drainage (χ2=5.999, P=0.014), pancreatic cancer (χ2=5.544, P=0.019), marginal pancreatic thickness (t=2.055, P=0.032), pancreatic CT value (t=-3.224, P=0.002), and preoperative blood amylase level (Z=-2.099, P=0.036) were closely associated with POPF, and the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that main pancreatic duct index (odds ratio [OR]=0.000, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.000 — 0.011, P<0.05), pancreatic cancer (OR=4.843, 95%CI: 1.285 — 18.254, P<0.05), and pancreatic CT value (OR=0.869, 95%CI: 0.806 — 0.937, P<0.05) were independent risk factors; based on the 2016 edition, the univariate analysis showed the diameter of the main pancreatic duct (χ2=5.391, P=0.020), main pancreatic duct index (χ2=11.394, P=0.001), intra-abdominal fat thickness (χ2=8.899, P=0.003), marginal pancreatic thickness (t=2.665, P=0.009), pancreatic CT value (t=-2.835, P=0.004) were closely associated with POPF, and the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that main pancreatic duct index (OR=0.001, 95%CI: 0.000 — 0.050, P<0.05) and pancreatic CT value (OR=0.943, 95%CI: 0.894 — 0.994, P<0.05) were independent risk factors. A risk prediction model was established for POPF after PD, and the ROC curve analysis showed that this model had an area under the ROC curve of 0.788 (95%CI: 0.707 — 0.870) in the modeling group and 0.804 (95%CI: 0.675 — 0.932) in the validation group. Conclusion Main pancreatic duct index and pancreatic CT value are closely associated with POPF after PD, and the risk prediction model for pancreatic fistula based on the 2016 edition has a good prediction accuracy. -
Key words:
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy /
- Pancreatic Fistula /
- Pancreatic Ducts /
- Forecasting
表 1 2005版与2016版术后胰瘘定义与分级系统比较
Table 1. Comparison of definition and grading system for POPF between 2005 and 2016
2005年ISGPF版术后胰瘘定义与分级系统 分级 临床表现 特殊治疗 超声或CT 持续引流>3周 二次手术 胰瘘相关死亡 感染征象 脓毒症 再入院 A级 良好 无 阴性 无 无 无 无 无 无 B级 通常良好 有/无 阴性/阳性 通常有 无 无 有 无 有/无 C级 病容/差 有 阳性 有 有 可能有 有 有 有/无 2016年ISGPS版术后胰瘘定义与分级系统 定义及分级 术后第3天引流液的淀粉酶数值达正常上限的3倍以上 胰周持续引流>3周 临床相关的胰瘘治疗措施改变 经皮或内镜下穿刺引流 血管造影介入治疗术后胰瘘相关出血 二次手术 术后胰瘘相关的感染征象 术后胰瘘相关器官衰竭 术后胰瘘相关死亡 生化漏 有 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 B级 有 有 有 有 有 无 有(无器官衰竭) 无 无 C级 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 表 2 建模组与验证组患者的临床特征比较
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of the modeling and validation sets
指标 建模组(n=253) 验证组(n=50) P值 性别[例(%)] 0.416 男 167(66.0) 30(60.0) 女 86(34.0) 20(40.0) 年龄(岁) 61±9 62±7 0.686 BMI(kg/m2) 23.1±2.7 22.4±3.3 0.312 饮酒[例(%)] 0.246 是 48(19.0) 13(26.0) 否 205(81.0) 37(74.0) 吸烟[例(%)] 0.846 是 110(43.5) 21(42.0) 否 143(56.5) 29(58.0) 糖尿病[例(%)] 0.983 是 56(22.1) 11(22.0) 否 197(77.9) 39(78.0) 主胰管直径(mm) 3.8±2.1 3.7±2.2 0.606 切缘胰腺厚度(mm) 15.3±3.5 14.7±3.1 0.220 主胰管指数 0.3±0.2 0.3±0.2 0.885 门静脉受侵犯[例(%)] 0.901 是 16(6.3) 4(8.0) 否 237(93.7) 46(92.0) 腹腔内脂肪厚度(mm) 71.1±27.2 68.3±25.3 0.389 胰腺CT值(HU) 38.6±8.3 38.1±8.8 0.693 术前胆道引流[例(%)] 0.707 是 30(11.9) 5(10.0) 否 223(88.1) 45(90.0) 术前实验室检查 白细胞(×109/L) 6.1±1.7 5.9±1.6 0.397 血小板(×109/L) 232.5±68.5 240.3±62.8 0.316 白蛋白(g/L) 39.3±4.1 38.7±3.8 0.662 总胆红素(μmol/L) 121.3(34.1~231.4) 130.5(39.2~190.0) 0.747 血清淀粉酶(IU/L) 25.0(16.0~42.0) 26.0(19.5~39.3) 0.737 CA19-9(U/mL) 81.9(34.2~273.1) 94.0(28.5~357.5) 0.626 胰肠吻合方式[例(%)] 0.814 胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜 47(18.6) 10(20.0) 胰肠端侧套入式 206(81.4) 40(80.0) 胰腺癌[例(%)] 0.684 是 59(23.3) 13(26.0) 否 194(76.7) 37(74.0) 术后胰瘘[例(%)] 2005版ISGPF 0.517 是 124(49.0) 22(44.0) 否 129(51.0) 28(56.0) 2016版ISGPS 0.987 是 61(24.1) 12(24.0) 否 192(75.9) 38(76.0) 手术相关死亡[例(%)] 0.658 是 8(3.2) 1(2.0) 否 245(96.8) 49(98.0) 表 3 与PD术后胰瘘相关危险因素单因素分析结果(2005版ISGPF)
Table 3. Univariate analysis results of risk factors related to POPF after PD (2005 ISGPF edition)
指标 PD术后胰瘘 统计值 P值 有 无 主胰管直径(例) χ2=31.641 <0.001 ≤3 mm 88 46 >3 mm 36 83 主胰管指数(例) χ2=52.777 <0.001 ≤0.25 101 47 >0.25 23 82 门静脉受侵犯(例) χ2=6.259 0.012 有 3 13 无 121 116 腹腔内脂肪厚度(例) χ2=7.665 0.006 ≤65 mm 43 67 >65 mm 81 62 术前胆道引流(例) χ2=5.999 0.014 有 21 9 无 103 120 胰腺癌(例) χ2=5.544 0.019 是 21 38 否 103 91 切缘胰腺厚度(mm) 16.5±3.7 15.0±3.8 t=2.055 0.032 胰腺CT值(HU) 36.3±6.4 41.1±9.6 t=-3.224 0.002 性别(例) χ2=0.572 0.449 男 79 88 女 45 41 饮酒(例) χ2=1.242 0.265 有 27 21 无 97 108 吸烟(例) χ2=0.001 0.974 有 54 56 无 70 73 糖尿病(例) χ2=0.549 0.459 有 25 31 无 99 98 胰肠吻合方式(例) χ2=1.703 0.192 胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜 19 28 胰肠端侧套入式 105 101 年龄(岁) 61±9 61±7 t=-0.259 0.796 BMI(kg/m2) 23.0±3.1 23.2±2.8 t=-0.372 0.626 术前实验室检查 白细胞(×109/L) 6.1±1.9 6.0±1.6 t=0.773 0.441 血小板(×109/L) 230.4±69.6 235.0±64.1 t=-0.892 0.374 白蛋白(g/L) 39.4±4.2 38.9±4.1 t=0.757 0.450 总胆红素(μmol/L) 124.8(55.6~249.3) 117.8(37.0~219.1) U=-1.093 0.275 CA19-9(U/mL) 73.3(29.4~222.6) 96.2(42.0~370.1) U=-1.069 0.285 血清淀粉酶(IU/L) 23.0(17.0~34.0) 31.5(17.3~60.0) U=-2.099 0.036 表 4 与PD术后胰瘘相关危险因素单因素分析结果(2016版ISGPS)
Table 4. Univariate analysis results of risk factors related to POPF after PD (2016 ISGPS edition)
指标 PD术后胰瘘 统计值 P值 有 无 主胰管直径(例) χ2=5.391 0.020 ≤3 mm 39 90 >3 mm 22 102 主胰管指数(例) χ2=11.394 0.001 ≤0.25 47 101 >0.25 14 91 腹腔内脂肪厚度(例) χ2=8.899 0.003 ≤65 mm 16 92 >65 mm 45 100 切缘胰腺厚度(mm) 17.0±4.2 14.5±3.6 t=2.665 0.009 胰腺CT值(HU) 36.2±7.3 39.7±8.8 t=-2.835 0.004 门静脉受侵犯(例) χ2=0.672 0.412 有 2 14 无 59 178 术前胆道引流(例) χ2=2.933 0.087 有 11 19 无 50 173 胰腺癌(例) χ2=1.721 0.190 是 18 41 否 43 151 性别(例) χ2=0.720 0.396 男 43 124 女 18 68 饮酒(例) χ2=0.286 0.593 有 13 35 无 48 157 吸烟(例) χ2=0.020 0.887 有 27 83 无 34 109 糖尿病(例) χ2=0.283 0.595 有 12 44 无 49 148 胰肠吻合方式(例) χ2=2.680 0.102 胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜 7 40 胰肠端侧套入式 54 152 年龄(岁) 61±8 60±10 t=1.246 0.215 BMI(kg/m2) 22.9±4.3 23.3±2.1 t=-0.738 0.534 术前实验室检查 白细胞(×109/L) 6.2±2.3 6.0±1.7 t=0.474 0.673 血小板(×109/L) 230.9±67.9 237.8±73.2 t=-0.523 0.602 白蛋白(g/L) 39.2±4.3 39.0±4.0 t=0.303 0.762 总胆红素(μmol/L) 127.1(50.0~231.4) 121.5(32.9~216.6) U=-0.882 0.378 CA19-9(U/mL) 97.4(34.5~314.4) 80.9(27.3~344.3) U=-0.498 0.618 血清淀粉酶(IU/L) 24.0(17.0~33.8) 30.0(17.0~58.0) U=-1.818 0.069 表 5 与PD术后胰瘘相关危险因素多因素Logistic分析结果
Table 5. Multivariate analysis results of risk factors related to POPF after PD
指标 系数 OR值(95%CI) P值 2005版ISGPF 常量 6.248 517.032 <0.001 主胰管指数 -8.045 0.000(0.000~0.011) <0.001 是否胰腺癌 1.578 4.843(1.285~18.254) 0.020 胰腺CT值 -0.141 0.869(0.806~0.937) <0.001 2016版ISGPS 常量 2.667 14.393 0.018 主胰管指数 -6.995 0.001(0.000~0.050) 0.001 胰腺CT值 -0.059 0.943(0.894~0.994) 0.029 -
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