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方梦冰 刘诚 张玉 曾嘉旖 陈智恒 黎胜 池晓玲 萧焕明



DOI: 10.12449/JCH240515

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725506-003);

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725505-004);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN10101903);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN2016XP03);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN2022DB04);

省部共建中医湿证国家实验室开放课题 (SZ2022KF02);

广东省中医院优势病种项目 ([2020] No.37);

池晓玲国家中医药管理局名老中医药专家传承工作室项目 (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No.‍75);

第五批全国中医临床优秀人才研修项目 (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No.1)

伦理学声明: 本研究方案于2023年3月7日经由广东省中医院伦理委员会批准同意,批号:YE2023-055-01。

    萧焕明, xiaohuanming@163.com (ORCID: 0000-0002-8739-0720)

TCM constitution distribution and clinical features of patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis and dysplastic nodules

Research funding: 

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technologyof China (2018ZX10725506-003);

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technologyof China (2018ZX10725505-004);

the Clinical Research Projects of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN10101903);

the Clinical Research Projects of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN2016XP03);

the Clinical Research Projects of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN2022DB04);

Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Dampness Syndrome of Chinese Medicine (SZ2022KF02);

Advantage Disease Project of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine ([2020] No.37);

Chi Xiaoling of Project of Inheritance Workshop of Famous Old Chinese Medicine Experts of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No.‍75);

The Fifth Batch of National Research and Training Programs for Clinical Talents of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No.1)

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨乙型肝炎肝硬化异型增生结节(DN)患者中医体质分布特征,为肝癌癌前病变的防治提供依据。  方法  选取2015年5月—2023年3月在广东省中医院住院治疗的乙型肝炎肝硬化DN患者113例、乙型肝炎肝硬化再生结节(RN)患者105例、乙型肝炎肝硬化小肝癌(sHCC)患者70例。收集患者的年龄、性别、肝功能Child-Pugh分级、中医体质类型、实验室指标等资料。正态分布的计量资料多组间比较采用单因素方差分析及LSD-t法;非正态分布的计量资料多组间比较采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验;计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验,进一步两两比较采用Bonferroni校正法。  结果  乙型肝炎肝硬化DN患者以气虚质(27例,23.89%)、血瘀质(26例,23.01%)、痰湿质(23例,20.35%)为主。3组患者在痰湿质、湿热质占比方面比较差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为6.822、6.383,P值均<0.05),从肝硬化RN患者、肝硬化DN患者到sHCC患者,痰湿质占比逐渐降低(30.48% vs 20.35% vs 14.29%),而湿热质占比逐渐升高(12.38% vs 16.81% vs 27.14%)。部分中医体质类型肝硬化DN患者在性别、Child-Pugh分级、前白蛋白、Alb、AST、TBil、总胆汁酸、甲胎蛋白上差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05),其中女性肝硬化DN患者气虚质占比高于男性患者(χ2=4.895,P=0.027);气虚质患者Child-Pugh A级占比低于Child-Pugh B级(χ2=6.380,P=0.012),而痰湿质患者Child-Pugh A级占比高于Child-Pugh B级(χ2=8.515,P=0.004);痰湿质患者前白蛋白、Alb水平高于其他4种体质患者(P值均<0.05),同时痰湿质患者TBil、总胆汁酸水平低于湿热质患者(P值均<0.05);阴虚质患者Alb水平低于气虚质、血瘀质、痰湿质患者(P值均<0.05);阴虚质患者甲胎蛋白异常比例显著高于非阴虚质患者(χ2=4.448,P=0.035)。  结论  乙型肝炎肝硬化DN患者以气虚质、血瘀质、痰湿质多见,痰湿质患者癌变可能性小,而湿热质、阴虚患者癌变风险较大。


  • 图  1  不同中医体质肝硬化DN患者AFP异常比例

    Figure  1.  Proportion of abnormal AFP in patients with cirrhosis DN of different TCM constitutions

    表  1  3组患者基线特征比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of baseline characteristics among the three groups of patients

    指标 肝硬化RN(n=105) 肝硬化DN(n=113) sHCC(n=70) 统计值 P
    性别[例(%)] χ2=4.505 0.105
    75(71.43) 78(69.03) 58(82.86)
    30(28.57) 35(30.97) 12(17.14)
    青年 20(19.05) 16(14.16) 7(10.00) χ2=2.794 0.247
    中年 44(41.90)1) 66(58.41) 24(34.29)1) χ2=11.528 0.003
    老年 41(39.05) 31(27.43) 39(55.71) χ2=3.341 0.188
    A级 59(56.19) 62(54.87) 42(60.00) χ2=0.475 0.789
    B级 38(36.19) 36(31.86) 24(34.29) χ2=0.458 0.795
    C级 8(7.62) 15(13.27) 4(5.71) χ2=3.507 0.173
    PA(mg/L) 150.00(90.00~200.00) 139.00(82.50~203.00) 151.00(78.75~208.50) H=0.090 0.956
    Alb(g/L) 37.56±7.25 37.47±7.32 37.27±6.56 F=0.035 0.966
    ALT(U/L) 30.00(17.50~47.00) 29.00(19.00~44.00) 31.00(20.00~50.75) H=1.185 0.553
    AST(U/L) 34.00(26.00~48.00) 35.00(25.00~50.00) 38.00(28.00~56.00) H=1.522 0.467
    ALP(U/L) 88.00(70.00~116.50) 86.00(66.50~132.50) 82.50(69.50~119.50) H=0.467 0.792
    GGT(U/L) 47.00(24.50~94.50) 48.00(27.50~76.50) 40.50(31.00~89.00) H=0.097 0.953
    TBil(μmol/L) 18.10(12.45~26.30) 19.30(12.85~31.65) 19.00(11.75~31.33) H=1.019 0.601
    TBA(μmol/L) 12.40(6.15~35.80) 21.60(6.10~50.50) 15.70(7.00~37.38) H=1.983 0.371
    PLT(×109/L) 95.00(67.00~151.50) 94.00(64.00~140.50) 110.50(79.75~155.50) H=4.261 0.119
    AFP(ng/mL) 4.82(2.45~12.42) 2) 4.52(2.87~10.81) 2) 8.92(3.92~51.75) H=11.655 0.003
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    表  2  3组患者体质分布及构成比

    Table  2.   Physical distribution and composition ratio of three groups of patients

    体质类型 肝硬化RN(n=105) 肝硬化DN(n=113) sHCC(n=70) χ2 P
    气虚质[例(%)] 29(27.62) 27(23.89) 13(18.57) 1.888 0.389
    血瘀质[例(%)] 21(20.00) 26(23.01) 14(20.00) 0.372 0.830
    痰湿质[例(%)] 32(30.48)1) 23(20.35) 10(14.29) 6.822 0.033
    湿热质[例(%)] 13(12.38)1) 19(16.81) 19(27.14) 6.383 0.041
    阴虚质[例(%)] 9(8.57) 16(14.16) 11(15.71) 2.427 0.297
    气郁质[例(%)] 1(0.95) 2(1.77) 1(1.43)
    阳虚质[例(%)] 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 2(2.86)
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    表  3  不同性别、年龄的肝硬化DN患者体质分布及构成比

    Table  3.   Physical distribution and composition ratio of patients with cirrhosis DN in different genders and ages

    体质类型 例数 性别 年龄
    男(n=78) 女(n=35) χ2 P 青年(n=16) 中年(n=66) 老年(n=31) χ2 P
    气虚质[例(%)] 27 14(17.95) 13(37.14) 4.895 0.027 4(25.00) 13(19.70) 10(32.26) 1.843 0.398
    血瘀质[例(%)] 26 21(26.92) 5(14.29) 2.178 0.140 2(12.50) 17(25.76) 7(22.58) 1.282 0.527
    痰湿质[例(%)] 23 17(21.79) 6(17.14) 0.323 0.570 4(25.00) 17(25.76) 2(6.45) 5.098 0.078
    湿热质[例(%)] 19 15(19.23) 4(11.43) 1.051 0.305 4(25.00) 10(15.15) 5(16.13) 0.907 0.635
    阴虚质[例(%)] 16 9(11.54) 7(20.00) 1.423 0.233 1(6.25) 8(12.12) 7(22.58) 2.858 0.240
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    表  4  不同Child-Pugh分级肝硬化DN患者体质分布及构成比

    Table  4.   Physical distribution and composition ratio of patients with cirrhosis DN in different Child-Pugh grades

    体质类型 例数 Child-Pugh A(n=62) Child-Pugh B(n=36) Child-Pugh C(n=15) χ2 P
    气虚质[例(%)] 27 10(16.13)1) 14(38.89) 3(20.00) 6.632 0.036
    血瘀质[例(%)] 26 15(24.19) 9(25.00) 2(13.33) 0.922 0.631
    痰湿质[例(%)] 23 19(30.65)1) 2(5.56) 2(13.33) 9.370 0.009
    湿热质[例(%)] 19 11(17.74) 4(11.11) 4(26.67) 1.916 0.384
    阴虚质[例(%)] 16 6(9.68) 6(16.67) 4(26.67) 3.141 0.208
    注:与Child-Pugh B比较,P<0.05。
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    表  5  不同中医体质类型肝硬化DN患者生化指标比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of biochemical indicators in patients with cirrhosis DN of different TCM constitution types

    指标 气虚质(n=27) 血瘀质(n=26) 痰湿质(n=23) 湿热质(n=19) 阴虚质(n=16) 统计值 P
    PA(mg/L) 122.00 (83.00~179.00)1) 146.00 (70.75~189.00)1) 220.00 (176.00~296.00) 113.00 (67.00~166.00)1) 125.50 (48.25~146.00)1) H=21.665 <0.001
    Alb(g/L) 36.42±7.291)2) 38.62±5.551)2) 40.86±8.06 35.84±6.021) 33.88±7.621) F=3.032 0.021
    ALT(U/L) 25.00 (18.00~33.00) 27.00 (14.75~39.00) 29.00 (18.00~45.00) 29.00 (19.00~74.00) 36.00 (19.50~69.00) H=4.764 0.312
    AST(U/L) 31.00 (22.00~45.00) 35.00 (23.00~50.00) 30.00 (20.00~40.00) 38.00 (29.00~88.00) 42.50 (33.00~84.75) H=10.986 0.027
    ALP(U/L) 82.00 (67.00~123.00) 88.00 (77.75~150.75) 74.00 (64.00~107.00) 98.00 (68.00~145.00) 108.00 (77.50~157.25) H=5.066 0.281
    GGT(U/L) 43.00 (18.00~70.00) 60.00 (36.50~125.00) 39.00 (21.00~73.00) 55.00 (40.00~129.00) 50.00 (37.75~65.75) H=7.132 0.129
    TBil(μmol/L) 19.60 (12.10~26.70) 19.40 (15.73~31.20) 14.10 (10.20~17.90) 31.70 (19.50~46.50) 1) 24.30 (12.28~41.78) H=14.586 0.006
    TBA(μmol/L) 17.30 (8.10~39.60) 28.90 (10.30~53.33) 5.80 (3.20~15.30) 30.50 (17.80~68.10) 1) 25.95 (8.75~46.88) H=13.265 0.010
    PLT(×109/L) 90.00 (63.00~116.00) 98.50 (48.75~139.25) 134.00 (92.00~180.00) 86.00 (56.00~122.00) 88.00 (63.50~106.50) H=8.838 0.065
    AFP(ng/mL) 3.58 (2.65~5.08) 4.38 (3.04~24.52) 3.11 (2.49~8.62) 10.07 (3.02~42.80) 8.50 (4.01~20.32) H=12.967 0.011
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