Experts consensus on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine diagnosis and treatment of primary biliary cholangitis
摘要: 原发性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)是一种慢性自身免疫性肝病。近年来国内外有关研究为PBC的中西医结合治疗提供了一些循证医学证据。中国医师协会中西医结合医师分会肝病学专家委员会组织国内有关专家在参考最新国内外诊治经验及指南的基础上,撰写了本共识,旨在为临床医师在PBC诊断、中医辨证分型及中西医结合治疗等方面提供指导和参考意见。Abstract: Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic autoimmune liver disease. In recent years, related studies in China and globally have provided some evidence-based medical evidence for the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of PBC. Based on the latest diagnosis and treatment experience and guidelines in China and globally, Expert Committee on Hepatology, Doctor Society of Integrative Medicine, Chinese Medical Doctor Association, organized related experts in China to formulate this consensus, in order to provide guidance and reference for clinicians in the diagnosis, TCM syndrome differentiation, and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of PBC.
表 1 推荐意见的证据等级和推荐强度
Table 1. Evidence grade and strength of recommendation of recommendations
级别 详细说明 证据等级 Ⅰ 大样本(≥100例),随机对照研究,结果清晰,假阳性或假阴性的错误很低 Ⅱ 小样本(<100例),随机对照研究,结果不确定,假阳性和/或假阴性的错误较高 Ⅲ 非随机,同期对照研究和基于古代文献的专家共识 Ⅳ 非随机,历史对照和当代专家共识 Ⅴ 病例报道,非对照研究和专家意见 推荐强度 A 至少有2项Ⅰ级研究结果支持 B 仅有1项Ⅰ级研究结果支持 C 仅有Ⅱ级研究结果支持 D 至少有1项Ⅲ级研究结果支持 E 仅有Ⅳ级或Ⅴ级研究结果支持 -
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