DOI: 10.12449/JCH241001
摘要: 脂肪肝根据病因可分为酒精性脂肪性肝病和非酒精性脂肪性肝病,已成为全球第一大肝病。由于脂肪肝病因与病理机制的不同,在不同病理阶段可以表现为不同的中医“证”。“证”又称“证候”,是以一定阶段病机为基础,是中医辨证治疗的基石。目前对脂肪肝的“证”研究,尚不统一,且比较杂乱,采用不同辨证方法得出不同的证型,影响了临床辨证治疗。本文简要介绍了历代医家与现代医家对脂肪肝证型的临床研究,进一步强调规范与准确的脂肪中医证型对辨证论治的意义。Abstract: Fatty liver disease can be classified into alcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease based on etiology, and it has become the most important liver disease worldwide. Due to the differences in the etiology and pathological mechanism of fatty liver disease, it may manifest as different traditional Chinese medicine syndromes during different pathological stages. The syndrome is based on the pathogenesis in a certain stage and is the basis for syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine. At present, there is still a lack of unified studies on the syndrome of fatty liver disease, and different methods for syndrome differentiation have obtained different syndrome types, which affects the syndrome differentiation-based treatment in clinical practice. This article briefly introduces the clinical studies on the syndrome types of fatty liver disease conducted by doctors of all dynasties and modern doctors and further emphasizes the significance of standard and accurate determination of the traditional Chinese medicine syndrome types of fatty liver disease in syndrome differentiation-based treatment.
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