《2024年美国胃肠病学院指南: 肝局灶性病变》摘译
DOI: 10.12449/JCH241109
An excerpt of American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines: Focal liver lesions(2024)
摘要: 2024年美国胃肠病学院基于现有的最佳循证医学证据对常见的肝局灶性病变的诊断和管理提出建议,包括肝脏实性病变及肝脏囊性病变等,较全面地更新了该协会2014版肝局灶性病变临床指南。指南分类陈述了51条关键概念并进行了18项详细建议,对我国的肝脏良性病变诊疗也有一定借鉴意义。然而,鉴于肝局灶性病变起病隐匿、病情复杂、诊断难度大、高级别循证医学证据不足,故指南所提建议应作为一般指导原则而非机械照搬的准则,并应结合我国国情应用。该指南为制订高质量肝胆外科循证指南提供了范例,指南列出的低-中级别循证医学证据及争议问题也为肝局灶性病变相关研究指明了未来重点突破的方向。Abstract: In 2024, the American College of Gastroenterology released the recommendations for the diagnosis and management of common focal liver lesions based on the optimal evidence-based medicine evidence, including both solid and cystic liver lesions, making a comprehensive update to the 2014 edition of the guidelines for focal liver lesions. The guidelines introduce 51 key concepts and 18 detailed recommendations and provides a certain reference for the diagnosis and treatment of benign liver lesions in China. However, given the insidious onset and complex conditions of focal liver lesions, the difficulties in diagnosis, and the lack of high-grade evidence-based medicine evidence, the recommendations in the guidelines should serve as general guidelines rather than rigid protocols and should be used with reference to the situation of China. The guidelines set a benchmark for high-quality evidence-based hepatobiliary surgery guidelines, and the moderate- to low-grade evidence-based medicine evidence and controversies listed in the guidelines provide future directions for the research on focal liver lesions.
Key words:
- Liver Diseases /
- United States /
- Practice Guideline
[1] FRENETTE C, MENDIRATTA-LALA M, SALGIA R, et al. ACG Clinical Guideline: Focal Liver Lesions[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2024, 119( 7): 1235- 1271. DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000002857. -