Main methods of computational pharmacology and their application in research on traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for treating chronic liver diseases
Abstract:Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has certain advantages in the treatment of chronic liver diseases, especially chronic inflammatory injury and liver fibrosis.However, the studies on medicinal components and action mechanism of TCM prescriptions are confronted with a great challenge.The computational pharmacology methods used in recent years, mainly including virtual screening technique, omics technologies, and network pharmacology approaches, as well as their application in TCM research, are presented;given the previous research work, the progress in research on active ingredients and action mechanism of TCM prescriptions using computational pharmacology methods is reviewed.It is thought that computational pharmacology techniques combined with conventional molecular biological and pharmacological methods are an important research strategy for the material basis and action mechanism of TCM prescriptions for treating chronic liver diseases.
Key words:
- liver diseases /
- computational pharmacology /
- editorial
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