DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2022.07.004
摘要: 门静脉高压定义为门静脉系统压力病理性增高,其最常见的原因是肝硬化,但也见于无肝硬化时,称为非肝硬化性门静脉高压。根据累及的部位,非肝硬化性门静脉高压相关疾病可分为肝前、肝内或肝后三类;肝内病因所致可进一步细分为窦前性、窦性和窦后性。本文将总结肝后及窦后性门静脉高压的特点,并详细讨论布加综合征和肝窦阻塞综合征不同分类,简述了其临床表现、发病机制、诊断和治疗等方面的研究进展。
- 非肝硬化性门静脉高压 /
- Budd-Chiari综合征 /
- 肝静脉闭塞性疾病
Abstract: Portal hypertension (PH) is defined as the pathological increase in pressure in the portal venous system. The most common cause of PH is liver cirrhosis, but it is also observed in patients without liver cirrhosis, which is called non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension can be classified in prehepatic, intrahepatic, and posthepatic types depending on the site of involvement, and the intrahepatic type can be further divided into presinusoidal, sinusoidal, and post-sinusoidal types. This article summarizes the features of posthepatic and post-sinusoidal portal hypertension, discusses in detail the different classifications of Budd-Chiari syndrome and hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, and briefly introduces the research advances in the clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of these diseases. -
表 1 HSCT-SOS严重程度分级
Table 1. New EBMT criteria for severity grading of a suspected HSCT-SOS in adult patients
表现 轻度 中度 重度 危重 出现第一个SOS临床症状的时间 <7 d 5~7 d ≤4 d 任何时间 TBil(mg/dL) 2≤TBil<3 3≤TBil<5 5≤TBil<8 ≥8 胆红素上升的速度 48 h翻倍 转氨酶(正常值上限) ≤2 2<转氨酶≤5 5<转氨酶≤8 >8 体质量增加 <5% 5%≤体质量≤10% 5%≤体质量≤10% >10% 肾功能(移植前的基线值) <1.2 1.2≤肾功能<1.5 1.5≤肾功能<2 ≥2 表 2 HSCT-SOS临床诊断标准
Table 2. Diagnosis criteria of HSCT-SOS for adult patients
标准 描述 EBMT成人诊断标准 经典型SOS:造血干细胞移植后21 d内胆红素≥34.2 μmol/L,同时出现以下3项中的2项:痛性肝肿大,体质量增加≥5%,腹水 迟发型SOS:造血干细胞移植后21 d后出现经典型SOS或经组织学证实的SOS,或≥2条经典型标准且同时具备超声或血液动力学证据证实SOS 改良Seatlle标准 造血干细胞移植后20 d内出现以下3项中的2项:胆红素≥34.2 μmol/L,肝肿大伴右上腹痛,液体潴留致体质量增加>2% Baltimore标准 造血干细胞移植后21 d内胆红素≥34.2 μmol/L,同时出现以下3项中的2项:痛性肝肿大,体质量增加≥5%,腹水 -
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