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萧焕明 施梅姐 谢玉宝 池晓玲



DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.02.002

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725506-003);

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725505-004);

广东省中医药局面上项目 (20225022);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN10101903);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN2016XP03);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN2022DB04);

池晓玲国家中医药管理局名老中医药专家传承工作室项目 (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No. 75);

第五批全国中医临床优秀人才研修项目 (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No. 1)


    池晓玲,chixiaolingqh@163.com (ORCID:0000-0003-3193-1943)

Advances and thoughts in traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis B-related liver fibrosis

Research funding: 

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technologyof China (2018ZX10725506-003);

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technologyof China (2018ZX10725505-004);

The General Project of Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine (20225022);

The Science and Technology research project of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN10101903);

The Science and Technology research project of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN2016XP03);

The Science and Technology research project of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN2022DB04);

Chi Xiaoling of Project of Inheritance Workshop of Famous Old Chinese Medicine Experts of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No. 75);

The Fifth Batch of National Research and Training Programs for Clinical Talents of traditional Chinese Medicine (Guozhong Pharmaceutical Human Education Letter [2022] No. 1)

More Information
  • 摘要: 肝纤维化是慢性乙型肝炎发展至肝硬化、肝癌的必经中间过程。近年来,中医药防治慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化的研究取得突破性进展。以提高临床疗效为目的,多学科联合开展产学研研究,阐释慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化中医证候生物学基础、建立与研发中医特色无创诊断模型,优化中医/中西医结合治疗方案并阐释中医治疗的科学内涵能够帮助中医药防治肝纤维化走向国际。


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