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ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R


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杨芳明 肖准 陈晓琦 张传雷 陈欣菊 马素平 赵文霞



DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.02.029

国家科技重大专项课题 (SQ2018ZX100303);

国家自然科学基金 (82205021);

河南省特色骨干学科中医学第二批学科建设项目 (STG-ZYX01-202101);

河南省中医药科学研究专项课题 (2022JDZX018);

河南中医药大学第一附属医院博士科研启动基金 (2021BSJJ007)


    赵文霞,zhao-wenxia@163.com (ORCID: 0000-0001-6666-9469)

Biological connotation of "phlegm-turbidity" theory in hepatocellular carcinoma microenvironment based on abnormal lipid metabolism

Research funding: 

National Science and Technology Major Project (SQ2018ZX100303);

National Natural Science Foundation of China (82205021);

The Second Batch of Discipline Construction Projects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Henan Province's Characteristic Backbone Discipline (STG-ZYX01-202101);

Henan Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Research Special Project (2022JDZX018);

The Doctoral Research Foundation of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2021BSJJ007)

More Information
  • 摘要: 肝癌的防治目前仍缺乏有效策略,对其发病机制的深入认识有助于开发新的治疗手段。由于脂质代谢在肝癌发生发展中的异常改变,其变化过程与中医“痰浊”理论密切相关。本文将从肝细胞癌微环境中脂质代谢变化入手,探讨脂质代谢在肿瘤细胞和免疫细胞群的异常改变与“痰浊”理论的相关性,以及临床应用化痰相关治法所取得的疗效。由于中医“痰浊”理论的致病特性在肝癌发病和病机变化中具有重要作用,因此对其理论内涵的分析有助于病理机制的阐明,也为中医药发挥防治肝癌作用提供理论依据。


  • 图  1  HCC肿瘤细胞脂质代谢改变


    Figure  1.  Changes of lipid metabolism in HCC tumor cells

    图  2  HCC肿瘤细胞及免疫细胞脂质代谢变化

    Figure  2.  Changes of lipid metabolism in HCC tumor cells and immune cells

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