These recommendations provide a data-supported approach to the management of patients with varices and variceal hemorrhage. They are based on the following: (1) formal review and analysis of the recently published world literature on the topic (Medline search); (2) several consensus conferences among experts; (3) the American College of Physicians’ Manual for Assessing Health Practices and Designing Practice Guidelines1; (4) guideline policies, including the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases’ Policy Statement on Development and Use of Practice Guidelines and the American Gastroenterological Association’s Policy Statement on the Use of Medical Practice Guidelines2; and (5) the authors’ years of experience caring for patients with cirrhosis and varices.
英文标题:2007AASLD/ACG Prevention and management of gastroesophageal varices and variceal hemorrhage in cirrhosis
来源:Am J Gastroenterol, 2007, 102(9): 2086-2102