Prevalence of Anti-phospholipid Autoantibodi in patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection
摘要: 探讨慢性乙肝病毒 (HBV)感染与抗磷脂抗体 (APA)水平的相关性 ;采用ELISA方法 ,检测慢性乙型肝炎及乙肝后肝硬化患者血清中APA的水平 ;与对照组相比 ,患者血清中APA均有显著升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,且两组患者间亦有显著差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ;慢性HBV感染与APA相关且APA随病程的进展而升高Abstract: WT5”BZ]Antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs) have been reported in various clinical conditions The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of APAs in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus related liver diseases 32 healthy subject, 27 patients with chronic hepatitis B and 36 patients with liver cirrhosis after hepatitis B were assayed for serum APA level by ELISA Compared with healthy subjects, two groups of patients show increased APA positive rate (37% vs 3% and 36% vs 3% respectively, P<0 05) As for the APA levels both groups of patients manifested significant increased APA levels (0 3653±0 142 vs 0 2140±0 094 of hepatitis B group and 0 4430±0 127 vs 0 2140±0 094 of cirrhosis group <0 05) Thus, this study indicate APA is associated with chronic liver disease realted HBV infection [WT5”HZ]
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