The significance of urine transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and serum procollagen type Ⅲ (PCⅢ) , collagen type Ⅳ (Ⅳ-C) , hyaluronic (HA) and laminin (LN) in patient with chronic HBV related liver disease
摘要: 研究和探讨检测尿TGF - β1水平在肝纤维化中的意义。采用双抗体夹心ELISA法及放射免疫法检测了 15例正常人 ,15例慢活肝和 15例肝硬化患者尿TGF - β1水平 (用同一尿标本Cr水平作标准比 )和血清PCⅢ ,Ⅳ -C ,HA及LN水平。肝硬化患者尿TGF - β1/Cr水平和PCⅢ ,Ⅳ -C ,HA及LN水平明显高于慢活肝和正常人组 ,且两者呈明显正相关。另外尿TGF - β1/Cr水平与肝功能指标中白蛋白呈明显负相关 ,与球蛋白、间接胆红素呈明显正相关。尿TGF - β1/Cr水平与肝纤维化密切相关 ,可以作为一种有用的无创性的肝纤维化的临床检测指标Abstract: To examine urine transforming growth factor-β 1 concentration so as to ascertain the significance in hepatic fibrosis. Urine TGF-β 1 concentration and the level of serum PCⅢ, ⅣC, HA and LN were detected by sandwich enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimunoassay (RIA) from 15 patient with chronic active hepatitis B and 15 with cirrhosis.The levels of urine TGF-β 1/Cr and serum PCⅢ, ⅣC, HA, LN in patients with cirrhosis were higher than those of chronic active hepatitis and normal group.Between them existed a positive correlation P<0.05 or P<0.01) .And urine TGF-β 1/Cr also showed a positive relationship with globulin and indirect bilirubin (IBil) (P<0.05) , but a negative with albumin (P<0.05) .Higher urine TGF-β 1/Cr levels correlate with more severe hepatic fibrosis.So it may be used as a useful marker for hepatic fibrogenesis.
Key words:
- Urine /
- Transforming growth factor-β 1 /
- Hepatic fibrosis
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