Clinical significance of the expression of CD44v6 and nm23H1 gene in primary hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 研究CD44v6mRNA和nm2 3H1mRNA表达与肝细胞癌 (HCC)侵袭转移和预后关系。应用原位杂交方法 ,检测分析HCC组织中CD44v6mRNA和nm2 3HmRNA表达。 99例HCC中 ,CD44v6mRNA和nm2 3H1mRNA表达阳性率分别为 41 4 %和 76 8%。CD44v6mRNA表达与nm2 3H1mRNA表达呈负相关。CD44v6和nm2 3H1mRNA表达均与HCC侵袭转移倾向和预后相关。检测CD44v6和nm2 3H1表达有可能成为HCC侵袭转移和预后判断的病理生物学指标。Abstract: To investigate the relationship between the expression of CD44v6 and nm23H1 mRNA and the invasion and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) . In situ hybridization methods were used to detect the expression of CD44v6 mRNA and nm23H1 mRNA in HCC. In 99 cases of HCC, the positive rate of CD44v6 mRNA and nm23H1 mRNA was 41.4% and 76.8%, respectively. The expression of CD44v6 mRNA were negatively correlated with the expression of nm23H1 mRNA. The expression of CD44v6 mRNA and nm23H1 mRNA were associated with the invasive and metasta tic trend of HCC and the prognosis of HCC patients. The detection of CD44v6 and nm23H1 expression could be a new pathological biology index to judge the metastasis and prognosis of HCC.
Key words:
- Primary hepatocellular carcinoma /
- CD44v6 gene /
- nm23H1 gene /
- In situ hybridization /
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