Clinical Study on the Changes of Gastric Motility in Patients with Chronic Viral Liver disease
摘要: 探讨 (1)慢性病毒性肝病 (Chronicviralliverdisease ,CVLD)是否存在胃动力障碍 ?(2 )CVLD如存在胃动力障碍 ,是否与胃肠激素 [胃动素 (MTL) ,胆囊收缩素 (CCK)和生长抑素 (SS) ]有关 ?用放射免疫法同批测定入选者血清MTL、CCK及SS浓度。入选患者均进行胃电图和X光下钡条测胃排空检查。空腹胃电图和胃排空检查结果显示CVLD组与健康对照组相比 ,胃排空延迟有显著性差异。CVLD的胃排空延迟组血清MTL、CCK及SS浓度明显高于非延迟组 ,(P <0 0 0 1)。说明胃肠激素紊乱是引起CVLD患者胃动力紊乱的重要原因之一。Abstract: The present study was undertaken to assess that: (1) Whether or not there is the dysmotility of upper gastrointestinal in patients with chronic viral liver disease; (2) Whether or not dysmotility in patients with Chronic viral liver disease (CVLD) is related to plasma gastrointestinal hormone secretion changes. The levels of plasma motilin (MTL) , cholecyatokinin (CCK) and somatostatin (SS) in state of fasting, and gastric emptying of all the patients were measured and electrgastrograpgy (EGG) were also carried out to study motility of upper gastrointestinal tract. The result This in dicated that dysmotility existed in patients with CVLD. The plasma levels of MTL?CCK and SS in patients with delaying gastric emptying were increased significantly as compared to in patients with non-delaying gastric emptying ( P <0 001) . Sixty CVLD patients with symptoms dyspepsia have gastric dysmotility, and they also have elevated gastrointestinal hormone secretion. The levels of plasma MTL?CCK and SS are increased in patients with delayed gastric emptying. This implies that the imbalace secretion of hormones is one of the causes responsible for gastric dysmotility.
Key words:
- Chronic viral liver disease /
- Gastric motility /
- Motilin /
- Cholecystokinin /
- Somatostatin
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