Detection and genotyping of HBV DNA by polymerase chain reaction and hybridization
摘要: 检测血清中HBVDNA并进行基因分型。采用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)扩增HBVDNA后 ,采用不同的探针 ,利用微板杂交法将其分为六个亚型。 5 0例广东地区HBVDNA阳性病人中C型占 6 8% (34例 ) ,B型占 10 % (5例 ) ,D型占 6 % (3例 ) ,F型占 2 % (1例 ) ,另有 8%为混合型 (3例BC ,1例BCD) ,没有发现A型和E型 ,3例分型结果阴性 ,为未定型。广东地区HBV基因亚型以C型为主 ,B型次之 ,其它较少。可能存在其他亚型Abstract: To detect HBV DNA and its genotypes. HBV DNA and its genotype was detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Nucleic Acid hybridization. Of 50 HBV DNA positive patients who lived in Guangdong, 34 samples (68%) are type C, 5 samples (10%) type B, 3 samples (6%) type D, 1 sample (2%) type F, 4 samples (8%) mixed type (3 BC, 1 BCD) , meanwhile 3 samples (6%) couldn't be typed by this method. In the detected samples, the major genotype of HBV DNA is type C, several are type B, D or F. The type A and E haven't been found. The result suggests there may be some other genotypes in Guangdong area.
Key words:
- hepatitis B virus /
- genotype /
- PCR /
- nucleic acid hybridization
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