Expression of glycoconjugates in the human liver tissues infected with hepatitis G virus
摘要: 研究人单纯庚型肝炎病毒感染肝组织中糖复合物表达的特点 ,探讨单纯庚型肝炎病毒感染的机理。正常肝组织标本 10例为对照组 ,单纯庚型肝炎病毒感染肝组织 2 2例为观察组。以九种植物凝集素做为Ⅰ抗 ,利用SP法对两组标本行免疫组化染色 ,统计两组阳性率 ,x2 检验差异显著性。对照组肝细胞膜上DSL、PHA -E、DBA、STL等四种凝集素受体呈弱阳性 ,观察组DBA受体表达增强且出现了PHA -L、UEA -Ⅰ、ECL三种新的凝集素受体。庚型肝炎病毒感染后肝组织尤其肝细胞表面糖复合物的表达在数量及结构上发生变化 ,这些变化为探讨其感染机理提供了有益的资料Abstract: To investigate the feature of glycoconjugates expression in human liver tissues infected with hepatitis G virus and to speculate upon the mechanism of HGV in fection. This study contains 10 normal liver tissues of controls and liver tissues obtained through biopsy from 22 patients with HGV infection for the purpose of diagnosis. SP immunohistochemistry for 9 different lectins was applied to the paraffin liver sections. The positive rates of the lectin were calculated and compared between the controls and the patients.x 2 test was used for the comparison of difference between them. In the controls, DSL, PHA-E, DBA and STL receptors were weakly positive on the membrane of hepatocytes; while in the patients, staining for DBA receptor became stronger. three new lectin-receptors, PHA-L, UEA-Ⅰ and ECL were noted on the liver cell membrane in the tissues infected with HGV. Alterations in quality and structure of glycoconjugates exepression took place in liver tissues, especially on the cell membrane from the patients with HGV infection. This finding might be valuable to investigation of HGV infection mechanism.
Key words:
- HGV /
- Glycoconjugate /
- Lectin /
- Receptor
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