A Study on correlation of cytokine and the chronicity of hepatitis B
摘要: 探讨乙型肝炎慢性化过程中细胞因子所起的作用。对 10 0例慢乙肝患者及 15例正常人群检测了血清TNF、IL - 2R、IL - 6、IL - 8、及HBVDNA定量等项指标。与对照组比较 ,各型慢乙肝患者血清TNF、IL - 2R、IL - 6、IL- 8含量均有不同程度升高 ,重度 >中度 >轻度。HBVDNA复制水平与血清TNF、IL - 2R、IL - 6水平及病程与血清TNF、IL - 2R、IL - 6、IL - 8水平均呈正相关。慢乙肝患者血清TNF、IL - 2R、IL - 6和IL - 8水平能够反映肝细胞损害的程度 ,在乙肝慢性化过程中 ,均不同程度发挥了作用Abstract: To investigate the role of cytokine in the chronicity of hepatitis B. We studied 100 cases of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and 15 normal people. The serum samples were collected and carried out for measurement of TNF, IL-2R, IL-6, IL-8 and HBV-DNA contents. Compared with the control, the serum TNF, IL-2R, IL-6, and IL-8 contents increased in the patients with CHB, severe CHB>moderate>mild. The duplicate level of HBV-DNA was positively correlated with TNF, IL-2R and IL-6 contents respectively and they are increased. with the disease-process prolonging. The serum TNF, IL-2R, IL-6, and IL-8 levels of CHB patients might reflect the extent of liver cell injury, and they all play various extents roles in the course of chronicity of hepatitis B.
Key words:
- Hepatitis B virus /
- Chronicity /
- Cytokine
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