Application of Coomb's test on the treatment of chronic HBV infection
摘要: 了解Coomb’S试验在乙型病毒性肝炎中的临床意义。收集了 132例住院病例 ,男性 87例 ,女性 4 5例 ,平均年龄为 4 3 2岁 ,急性肝炎 15例 ,慢性中度 92例 ,慢性重度 17例 ,慢性重症 8例。对上述病例分别在入院时、住院中期或后期进行了Coomb’S试验、抗核抗体 (ANA)系列和T淋巴细胞亚群 (CD4/CD8)检测。急性重型、慢性重度及慢性重症肝炎患者均可出现直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性 ,其中广谱、抗 -C3、抗IgG阳性分别为 19、19和 2例 ,而间接抗人球蛋白试验仅 1例阳性。ANA阳性和CD4/CD8下降均为 19例。且以上各指标滴度与病情严重程度呈正相关。Coomb’S试验检测对乙型病毒性肝炎的病情监测与治疗有指导意义
- Coomb’S试验 /
- 慢性病毒性肝炎,乙型 /
- 抗核抗体 /
- T淋巴细胞亚群(CD4/CD8)
Abstract: To understand the signifinance of Coomb's test on the treatment of HBV infection. One hundred and thirty two cases (eighty seven males and fourty five females) were collected. The average age of these patients was 43.2 years old. 15 cases of caute hepatitis, 92 cases of middle chronic hepatitis, 17 chronic emergency hepatitis were included in the study. Coomb's test, ANA and CD 4/CD 8 were detected when the patients were admitted to the hospital and during in hospital. Direct Coomb's tests were positve in the patients with actue severe hepatitis, chronic severe hepatitis and chronic emergency hepatitis (Anti-super IgG, anti-c3, and anti-IgG were 19, 19 and 2 cases, respectively) , while only one case was found positve in the indirected Coomb's test, 19 cases were found that the ANA were positve and CD 4/CD 8 decreased. All the titer of these indexes were positively correlated with the development of the disease. Coomb's test is helpful for the monitor and treatment of HBV.-
Key words:
- Coomb&apos /
- s test /
- chronic virus hepatitis /
- B-type
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