To observe the effect and safety of Gingiandantong oral liquid on treating cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. One-hundred and eighty two patients with cholecystitis and / or cholelithiasis were randomly divided into two groups, 122 cases in treatment group with Ginqiandantong oral liquid and 60 cases in controlled group with Xiaoyanlidan tablets. The first, the third, the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first day after treatment the effective rate of Ginqiantantong on symptoms were 20.49%, 50.82%, 80.33%, 91.80% and 94.26% respectively; and that of Xiaoyanlidan tablets were 11.67%, 48.33%, 66.67%, 81.67% and 85.00% respectively. The efficacy of Ginqiandantong oral liquid on cholelithiasis was 51.92%, and that of Xiaoyanlidan tablets was 27.27% (P<0.01) . The stones were completely cleaned in 14.42% cases treated with Ginqiandantong, and in 2.27% cases treated with Xiaoyanlidan tablets. There were no significant side effects found. Ginqiandantong oral liquid can relieve the symptoms of patients with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, and partly or completely removed the stone from the gallbladder and bile duct.