Association between HLA-DRB and chronic hepatitis C infection and its effect on the response to interferon alpha and ribavilin therapy
摘要: 探讨慢性丙型肝炎患者HLA -DRB等位基因多态性及其与干扰素联合利巴韦林治疗应答率的相关性。采用基因芯片技术对 2 5例慢性丙型肝炎患者及 30例正常对照组的HLA -DRB基因型进行分析。结果发现患者DRB1 0 4和DRB1 13等位基因出现频率较正常对照组明显升高 (P <0 0 5 )。DRB1 0 7阳性者对干扰素联合利巴韦林治疗的应答率较高 ,而DRB1 0 4阳性者应答率较低。患者性别、HCV基因型、宿主HLA -DRB等位基因三种因素均与抗病毒疗效密切相关 ,DRB1 0 7等位基因及Ⅳ型HCV感染对抗病毒疗效的影响最大。病毒与宿主在影响抗病毒治疗应答方面具有同等重要的地位Abstract: To study the association between HLA-DRB and chronic hepatitis C infection and its effect on the response to interferon alpha and ribavilin therapy. Gene chips were used to analyze the frequency of HLA-DRB in 25 patients with chronic hepatitis C infection and 30 healthy individual, the response to interferon alpha and ribavilin therapy of the 25 patients were discussed to study the association between HLA-DRB and chronic hepatitis C infection and its effect on the therapy. The frequency of HLA-DRB104 and DRB113 allele in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection were higher than those in normal control (P<0.05) . The response rate to IFN and ribavilin therapy in patients with DRB107 are higher than those with DRB104. Sex, HCV type and HLA-DRB were all related to the response. DRB107 allele and HCV type Ⅳ were the closest factors related to the response in these elements. Not only virus but also host play an important role on the curative effect in anti-virus therapy.
Key words:
- HLA /
- chronic hepatitis C /
- interferon /
- ribavilin /
- therapy
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