Effect of endothelin and complement in HBV associated glomerulonephritis
摘要: 探讨补体及内皮素 (ET)在乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎 (HBV -GN)中的变化。采用同位素放射免疫方法检测正常人及HBV -GN患者血、尿内皮素的水平 ;用单项免疫扩散法测定血清补体水平。HBV -GN患者血、尿ET水平均较对照组明显增高 ,而血清补体水平均较对照组降低。内皮素及补体在HBV -GN的发病机理及病情进展中可能起重要作用 ,其值高低可作为判断肾损害严重程度及预后的指标
- 内皮素 /
- 补体 /
- 乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎
Abstract: To elucidate the various of serum complement on HBV Associated Glomerulonephritis (HBV-GN) . The levels of PET/UET in normal control and HBV-GN were measured using radioimmunoassay method and the levels of serum Complement were measured by single immunodiffusion technique. The plasma and uriue level of ET were significantly higher than those of normal control (P<0.05) . The content of serum complement in patients with HBV-GN. was obviously lower than that of control group (P<0.05) . The ET and complement possibly plays an important role in pathogenesis of HBV-GN and its levevl change may be related to the progress and prognosis of these renal disease.-
Key words:
- Endothelin /
- Complement /
- HBV associated glomerulonephritis (HBV-GN)
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