The expression and significance of TGF-β1 and smad4m RNA in chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis
摘要: 应用免疫组化和原位杂交方法,对10例对照肝组织,70例慢性病毒性肝炎、肝硬化肝组织TGF - β1和smad4mRNA的表达进行检测,结果TGF - β1和smad4mRNA在慢性病毒性肝炎肝硬化中的表达明显增强,smad4mRNA阳性率分别为87 .5 %、82 . 6 % ,TGF - β1阳性率分别为83. 33%、86 . 96 % ;TGF - β1和smad4mRNA阳性表达细胞在肝组织切片中的分布多集中在扩大的汇管区、中央静脉及窦周周围(间质细胞及肝细胞内均见有表达) ,提示TGF - β1与smad4mRNA的表达与肝纤维化活动状态密切相关,TGF - β/smad通路在肝纤维化的形成和发展中具有重要意义。Abstract: Hybridization in situ and im munohistochemistry were used in 10 cases of normal liver tissue and 70 cases of chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis.The results showed increased expression of TGF-β1 and smad4mRNA in the middle degree of chronic viral hepatitis and cirrh osis.the positive rates of smad4mRNA were obviously higher in the middle degree of chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis (87.5%, 82.6%) than in the normal liver (20%) , P<0.01;Meanwhile, TGF-β1 were strikingly higher in middle degree of chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis (83.33%, 86.96%) than in the normal liver (2 0%) , P<0.01 and the light degree of chronic viral hepatitis (52.2%) , P< 0.05 The most of both smad4mRNA and TGF-β1 positive cell were distributed of a round the enlarged portal aveas central vein, sinus The expression of TGF-β1 and smad4mRNA showed positive correlation in statistic.The relationship between exp ression of TGF-β1 and smad4mRNA reflected a state whether fibrosis formation wa s in activity or in regression.TGF-β1/smad4 pathway showed an important signifi cance in formation and development of fibrosis of chronic viral hepatitis.
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