clinical analysis of 68 cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
摘要: 为探讨自发性细菌性腹膜炎(SBP)的临床诊断以及预后相关因素,减少漏诊,提高治愈率,判断病情预后,本文回顾性分析了6 8例肝硬化并发SBP患者。结果SBP临床表现不典型,诊断需要依靠腹水细胞计数和细菌培养,但腹水细菌培养阳性率低。血象白细胞升高和出凝血时间延长(>2 0s) ,高总胆红素(>6 0 μmol/L)与预后相关。并发症越多,肝功能积分越高预后越差。提高对SBP的认识,早期诊断及积极治疗是提高SBP生存率的关键。Abstract: To assess the clinical and laboratory characteristics of SBP and the prognosis f actors for in-hospital mortality in cirrhotic We analyzed 68 cirrhotic patients with ascites who developed an episode of SBP during a 5-year periodin our hospit al.The clinical manifestations of SBP are mild and not fypical Diagnosis of SBP is mependent on the count of cell in ascitic fluid and ascitic fluid and bacteri al culture.The white blood cell cognt prothrombin time (>20s) , high serum total b ilirubin (≥60μmol/L) Child classification and complications can help predict the prognosis.Early diagnosis and treatment are keys to SBP.
Key words:
- Spontaneous bacterial peri tonitis /
- Diagnosis /
- Prognosis
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