A clinical analysis of Ca125 in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) .
摘要: 探讨血清及腹水Ca12 5在自发性细菌性腹膜炎中的变化。根据肝硬化患者腹水常规中多形核白细胞数分3组,A组:腹水多形核白细胞(PMN)≥2 5 0×10 6/L ;B组:腹水PMN <2 5 0×10 6/L且腹水细胞数>2 0 0×10 6/L ;C组:腹水细胞数<2 0 0×10 6/L。分别测定3组肝硬化腹水症患者血清及腹水Ca12 5水平。自发性细菌性腹膜炎患者血清及腹水Ca12 5水平。自发性细菌性腹膜炎患者血清及腹水Ca12 5水平明显升高,Ca12 5可作为评价腹水感染程度的参考指标。Abstract: To analysis the change s of t he Ca125 levels in serum and ascites in SBP.45 patients were averaged divided in to three groups with the counts of polymonphonuclear leucocyte (PMN) in ascites. A group:PMN≥250×106/L;B group:PMN<250×106/L and counts of cell in ascit es>200×106/L;C group:counts of cell in ascites<200×106/L.The levels of Ca125 were abserved in serum and ascites in patients.In evidence the level of se rum and ascites Ca125 in SBP is high.So Ca125 may be a reference for evaluating the level of ascites infection.
Key words:
- Ca125 /
- SBP /
- clinical analysi s
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