Expressions of C-kit and SCF and their significance human hepatocellular carcinomas
摘要: 探讨C -kit、SCF基因编码的蛋白在肝癌(HCC)组织中的表达及其临床病理意义。采用免疫组化SP法检测92例肝癌中C -kit、SCF蛋白表达,同时取对应的癌旁肝组织及30例良性肝病组织作对照。结果显示,HCC中有较强的C -kit和SCF蛋白表达,癌旁组织呈弱表达,良性肝病组织则呈阴性表达。C -kit、SCF阳性率肝癌组织与癌旁组织、良性肝病组织比较差异有非常显著意义(P均<0 . 0 1)。C -kit、SCF蛋白表达与AFP异常、肝癌分级、门脉癌栓有关。C -kit、SCF蛋白过表达可能在原发性肝癌的发生、发展中发挥作用。Abstract: To explore the expressions and clinicopathological significance of C-kit and SCF in human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) tissue.The expressions of C-kit and S CF were detected in 92 cases of HCCs by using SP immunohistochemical method, the corresponding paracancerous tissue and 30 cases of benign liver disease tissue w ere used to be control group.In the result, there were high and strong expressio ns of C-kit and SCF in HCCs low expressions in paracancerous tissue, no expressio n in benign liver disease tissue.There was marked difference (P<0.01) betw een the positive rate of HCCs and their paracancerous tissue?benign liver disea se tissue of C-kit and SCF.There was correlation between the expressions of C-ki t and SCF and abnormal AFP?the stage of HCCs?tumor emboli in the portal vein.T he overexpressions of C-kit and SCF protein may play a role in occurrence and pr ogression of HCCs.
Key words:
- hepatocellular carcinoma /
- C-kit gene /
- SCF gene /
- immunohistochemistry
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