5-Fluorourail and mitomycin c combined with 42℃ whole-body hy perthermia for advanced hepatic carcinoma
摘要: 探讨全身性热、化疗治疗中晚期肝癌的疗效。治疗组16例在体外热疗(whole -bodyhyperthermia ,WBH)过程中联合应用5 -氟尿嘧啶(5 -FU)和丝裂霉素(MMC) ,对照组2 6例采用5 -FU +MMC联合化疗方案,比较2组近期疗效、疾病相关症状改善和不良反应。治疗组近期疗效和疾病相关状改善明显好于对照组,2组患者严重不良反应的发生率相似。全身性热、化疗是一种治疗中晚期肝癌安全有效的方法。Abstract: To investigate the effects of 5-fluorourail and mitomycin c combined with 42℃ w hole-body hyperthermia for advanced hepatic carcinoma.16 patients with advanced hepatic carcinoma enrolled in the trial group, 5-Fluorourail and mitomycin c were infused during the treatment of whole-body hyperthermia.The 26 patients of cont rol group were treated by chemotherapy only.The response and adverse events were assessed after the treatment.The response rate and DRSI (WHO standard) were 31. 25% v.s 3.85% and 56.25% v.s 19.23% respectively. No death associate with the tr eatment.This clinical trial demonstrates the feasibility of performing whole-bod y hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy in patients with advanced hepatic carc inoma.
Key words:
- whole-body hyperthermia /
- hepatic carcinoma /
- 5-fluorourail /
- mitomycin c
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