Clinical significance of the detection of serum anti-HBc IgM In patients with hepatitis B
摘要: 抗HBc-IgM在鉴别急性乙肝、慢性乙肝及慢性乙肝急性发作中的意义。应用亚培试剂盒检测抗HBc-IgM,追溯120例抗体阳性患者的临床诊断和各临床类型的抗体滴度水平分布,同时统计急性乙肝、慢性乙肝和慢性乙肝急性发作共240例患者的抗HBc-IgM检测结果,比较其抗体阳性率和滴度水平之间的差异。抗HBc-IgM阳性率,急乙肝组明显高于慢乙肝组和慢乙肝急性发作组。抗体滴度<2.0者,慢乙肝组和慢乙肝急性发作组的百分率明显高于急肝组。抗体滴度的检测对鉴别急乙肝和慢乙肝急性发作有较大的意义。
- 抗HBc-IgM /
- 急性乙肝慢乙肝急性发作 /
- 鉴别诊断
Abstract: To investigate the significance of anti-HBc IgM in the differential diagnosis between acute hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis B and acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B.The clinical diagnosis and the tiers levels of anti-HBc IgM were analysised retrospectively for 120 cases with positive anti-HBc IgM with Abbott's kits.We also analysized the positive rate and the titers of 240 different types of hepatitis B cases.The study suggested that anti-HBc IgM positive rate of acute hepatitis B patients was significantly higher than that of chronic and acute exacerbation of hepatitis B.The proportions with the titers <2.0 in the groups of chronic and acute exacerbation of hepatitis B was much higher than in the group of acute hepatitis B.It shows that the titers level is helpful in the differentitial diagnosis between acute hepatitis B and acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B. -
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