Clinical values of anti-virus treatment on decompensated cirrhosis patients
摘要: 研究拉米夫定治疗失代偿期肝硬化的疗效及安全性。将活动期肝硬化和静止期肝硬化患者分成对照组和治疗组。对照组给予常规综合治疗12月;治疗组除上述治疗外,给予拉米夫定100mg/日,疗程12个月。观察治疗前后肝功能、HBV DNA、HBeAg阴转和病毒变异等。拉米夫定治疗12个月后,患者肝功能明显改善,Ch ild-pugh评分缩短(P<0.05),HBV DNA下降(P<0.05),HBeAg阴转率升高(P<0.05),血清转换率及病毒变异率无统计学意义。失代偿期肝硬化应用拉米夫定治疗可改善肝功能、阻止病情进一步发展;病毒变异率低,未见严重后果发生。Abstract: To evaluate the therapy efficacy and safety of lamivudine treatment for 12 months on decompensated cirrhosis patients following chronic hepatitis B.73 decompensated cirrhosis patients were divided into two groups-46 active cirrhosis and 27 inactive cirrhosis patients.Both of groups were further divided into two smaller groups-the control groups and the treated groups.The control groups were given conventional treatment while the treated were given lamivudine 100mg/day together with conventional treatment for 12 months.Then to observe the changes of the liver functions, HBV DNA level and virus mutation.After lamivudine treatment for 12 months, decompensated cirrhosis patients were significantly improved in liver functions, with decreased Child-Pugh score (<0.05) and HBV DNA level (<0.05) ;the rate of HBeAg negative was higher than the control group (P<0.05) .The rate of the biochemical breakthrough was not higher than the control group (P>0.05) .Lamivudine treatment on decompensated cirrhosis patients can obviously improve liver functions, prevent disease from worsening, and the rate of viral mutation is lower within a relatively safe range.
Key words:
- cirrhosis /
- hepatitis B virus /
- active period /
- inactive period /
- therapy
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