The relationship between HLA-A alleles polymorphism and susceptibility to HBV in the Han nationality in Xuzhou
摘要: 探讨慢性乙型肝炎与HLA-A位点的等位基因多态性。用PCR-SSP方法对徐州地区汉族正常组和慢性乙型肝炎组的HLA-A基因多态性进行分析。HLA-A*0201-17出现的频率在慢性乙型肝炎组为45.57%,高于正常组的29.69%,P=0.002<0.05,RR=1.983,(95%C I:1.227-3.080),具有统计学意义。HLA-A*0201-17与慢性乙型肝炎较高的相关性,可能为易感基因。
- 乙型肝炎 /
- 疾病易感性 /
- 人类白细胞抗原 /
- 序列特异性引物聚合酶链反应
Abstract: To investigate the relationship between HLA-A alleles polymorphism and susceptibility to HBV in the Han nationality in Xuzhou.Typing HLA-A genotype was performed by using PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers technique) in seventy-nine patients with hepatitis B and ninty-six healthy people in Xuzhou of China.The frequency of HLA-A*0201-0217 allele was 45.57% in patient group, which was higher than that (29.69%) of the normal healthy people (x2=9.394, P<0.05, RR=1.983, 95%CI:1.2273.080) .The susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B might be strongly associated with HLA-A*0201-0217 allele of Chinese patients in Xuzhou.-
Key words:
- hepatitis B /
- susceptibility /
- human leukocyte antigen /
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