HIV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV
目的探讨中国艾滋病病毒/丙型肝炎病毒(HIV/HCV)双重感染患者HIV特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)应答的特征。方法观察对象为HIV/HCV双重患者、单纯HIV感染者。以HIV-1 B亚型构建的全基因组肽库作为抗原,通过酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)法检测HIV/AIDS患者HIV特异性CTL应答。并对HIV/HCV双重感染患者的HIV特异性CTL应答进行相关性分析。结果 HIV/HCV双重感染组和单纯HIV感染组的HIV特异性CTL应答强度与频率在肽段水平存在一定差异,与单纯HIV感染组相比,合并HCV感染组反应增强的肽段主要集中在Gag。两组特异性CTL应答强度与频率均呈明显正相关,且合并HCV感染组较单纯感染组正相关性增强。不同肽段累计反应强度的比较,Gag反应强度最高,其次是Nef。CD4计数与特异性CTL应答强度的关系无统计学意义。结论 HIV/HCV双重感染患者HCV对HIV进程的影响可能与对Gag蛋白CTL应答的增强有关。
- HIV /
- 肝炎病毒属 /
- 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 /
- T淋巴细胞,细胞毒性
Abstract:Objective To investigate the features of HIV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV in China.Methods The patients were divided into 2 groups, HIV/HCV co-infected group (n=22) and simply HIV infected group (n=20) .The HIV-1-specific CTL responses were analyzed in an ELISPOT assay by using peptides spanning the entire HIV-1 Clade B consensus sequence.Comparison was made between the difference of HIV specific CTL of HIV/HCV co-infectied group and simply HIV infected group.Results In comparison of the response between HIV/HCV co-infected and simply HIV infected group, the magnitude and frequency of HIV specific CTL was roughly identical with some difference found at single-peptide level.In HIV/HCV co-infected group, the magnitude and frequency of HIV specific CTL in Gag was higher than those in HIV group.There was positive linear correlation between the magnitude and the frequency of HIV specific CTL in the two groups.Gag and Nef were the most frequently targeted proteins.There was no significant correlation between the total responses of HIV specific CTL and CD4+T cell count.Conclusion HIV-1-specifie CTL may play an important role in aggravating HIV in patients with HIV/HCV co-infection.
Key words:
- HIV /
- hepacivirus /
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome /
- T-lymphocytes
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