Current diagnosis and treatment of hepatorenal syndrome
摘要: 肝肾综合征(HRS)是严重肝病常见的并发症,病死率极高。其发病机制尚不十分明确,临床表现为功能性肾衰竭,对其早期诊断非常重要。该病必须早期预防、综合治疗,原位肝移植术仍是目前治疗HRS最有效的方法。
- 肝肾综合征
Abstract: Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a commom complication of severe liver disease with a very high mortality.Its pathogenesis is not very clear.Its clinical symptom is functional renal failure.Early diagnosis and treatment is very important.Liver transplantation is the most effective therapy for the HRS.-
Key words:
- hepatorenal syndrome
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