Investigation on the method and safety of the non-heparinized plasma exchange therapy in treating patients with hepatic failure
摘要: 目的探讨采用无肝素血浆置换治疗肝衰竭患者的方法及安全性。方法采用血浆置换对62例肝衰竭患者进行治疗,随机分为两组,治疗组30例进行无肝素血浆置换治疗,治疗过程中持续给予生理盐水冲洗分离器及管路,共81人次。对照组32例常规加用肝素进行血浆置换治疗,共82人次,观察治疗中及治疗后的不良反应。结果治疗组无1人次发生出凝血相关性不良反应,发生其他不良反应23人次,对照组发生出凝血相关性不良反应12人次,发生其他不良反应26人次,两组对照出凝血相关性不良反应发生人次差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其他不良反应发生人次差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论采用无肝素血浆置换治疗肝衰竭,出凝血相关性不良反应发生率低,其他不良反应发生率与传统治疗方法无明显差别,操作简单,安全性较高。Abstract: Objective To explore the method and safety of the non-heparinized plasma exchange in treating patients with hepatic failure.Methods Plasma exchange therapy was used to treat 62 patients with hepatic failure and these patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: 30 patients as the treatment group and 32 patients as the control group.Patients in the treatment group were treated with non-heparinized plasma exchange therapy by using physiological saline to wash the plasma separator continuously during the recovery period, giving 81 times plasma exchange treatment in total.Patients in the control group were treated with heparinized plasma exchange therapy, they were given 82 times plasma exchange treatment in total.Results There were no adverse effects related to haemorrhage and blood coagulation in the treatment group, whereas other types of adverse effects occurred in 23 patients of the same group.On the other hand there were 12 adverse effects related to haemorrhage and blood coagulation in the control group plus other adverse effects occurred in 26 patients of this group.The incidence rate of adverse effects related to haemorrhage and blood coagulation between the two groups has significant difference (P<0.01) , while the incidence rate of other adverse effects has no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05) .Conclusion Using the non-heparinized plasma exchange to treat patients with hepatic failure is safe and the incidence rate of adverse effects related to haemorrhage and blood coagulation is lower whereas the incidence rate of other adverse effects is similar to the traditional plasma exchange therapy.This therapy is characterized by simplicity in operation and high safety level.
Key words:
- liver failure /
- plasma exchange /
- heparin
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