DOI: 10.12449/JCH240220
Efficacy of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography combined with electrohydraulic lithotripsy under the direct view of eyeMax biliary-pancreatic imaging system in treatment of difficult choledocholithiasis
目的 探讨内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)联合eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下应用液电碎石技术治疗困难胆管结石的安全性及有效性。 方法 回顾性分析2022年5月—11月吉林市人民医院消化内科行ERCP联合eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下应用液电碎石技术治疗困难胆管结石12例患者的临床资料,观察碎石、取石的临床效果,评估术后并发症发生情况,以及手术操作时间。 结果 12例患者中,11例(91.67%)患者直视液电碎石成功,9例(75.00%)一次性取石成功,11例(91.67%)达到结石完全清除,1例患者因多次胆道手术造成胆管多处狭窄,直视下将狭窄处上方的Ⅱ级肝内胆管结石取出,但仍残留Ⅲ级肝内胆管结石,进而未能达到结石完全清除的效果;ERCP平均操作时间(91.3±26.2)min,其中能量碎石时间为(41.8±22.2)min;术后2例胆道感染,给予抗感染后好转;2例高淀粉酶血症,未予特殊处置;3例轻度胰腺炎,给予药物对症治疗后好转;无出血、穿孔等并发症。 结论 ERCP联合eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下应用液电碎石技术治疗困难胆管结石安全、有效、可行。 -
- 胆总管结石病 /
- 胰胆管造影术, 内窥镜逆行 /
- eyeMax胆胰成像系统 /
- 碎石术
Abstract:Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) combined with electrohydraulic lithotripsy under the direct view of eyeMax biliary-pancreatic imaging system in the treatment of difficult choledocholithiasis. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 12 patients with difficult choledocholithiasis who underwent ERCP and electrohydraulic lithotripsy under the direct view of eyeMax biliary-pancreatic imaging system in Department of Gastroenterology, Jilin People’s Hospital, from May to November 2022. The clinical effect of lithotripsy and lithotomy was observed, and postoperative complications and time of surgical operation were assessed. Results Among the 12 patients, 11 (91.67%) were successfully treated by electrohydraulic lithotripsy under direct view, 9 (75.00%) achieved first-attempt success in lithotripsy, and 11 (91.67%) had complete removal of calculi; 1 patient was found to have stenosis of the bile ducts caused by multiple biliary tract surgeries, and grade Ⅱ intrahepatic bile duct stones above the sites of stenosis were removed under direct view, but there were still residues of grade Ⅲ intrahepatic bile duct stones, which led to the fact that complete calculus removal was not achieved. The mean time of ERCP operation was 91.3±26.2 minutes, including a time of 41.8±22.2 minutes for energy lithotripsy. There were 2 cases of postoperative biliary tract infection which were improved after anti-infective therapy, 2 cases of hyperamylasemia which were not given special treatment, and 3 cases of mild pancreatitis which were improved after symptomatic medication, and there were no complications such as bleeding and perforation. Conclusion ERCP combined with electrohydraulic lithotripsy under the direct view of eyeMax biliary-pancreatic imaging system is safe, effective, and feasible in the treatment of difficult choledocholithiasis. -
注: a,MRCP提示胆总管巨大结石;b,eyeMax胆胰成像系统观察胆总管内巨大结石,可观察到结石的纹理;c,eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下液电碎石;d,eyeMax胆胰成像系统观察液电碎石取石后的胆管,可见少量泥沙结石附着胆管壁;e,困难胆管结石碎石、取石后留置鼻胆管,造影观察胆管无结石残留;f,eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视进入Ⅱ级肝内胆管,远观Ⅲ级肝内胆管可见瘢痕狭窄;g,eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下应用子母网篮进行Ⅲ级肝内胆管结石取石;h,eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视下取出少量泥沙样结石。
图 1 ERCP联合eyeMax胆胰成像系统及液电操作流程
Figure 1. ERCP combined with eyeMax bilio-pancreatic imaging system and hydroelectric lithotripsy process
表 1 ERCP联合eyeMax胆胰成像系统直视液电碎石治疗困难胆管结石病例资料
Table 1. The data of ERCP combined with eyeMax bilio-pancreatic imaging system for direct vision hydroelectric lithotripsy in the treatment of difficult bile duct stones
患者 年龄 性别 诊断 结石最大直径(mm) 结石数量(枚) 结石位置 既往手术史 ERCP取石史 取石次数 ERCP操作时间(min) 液电碎石操作时间(min) 结石是否完全清除 不良并发症 1 61 男 胆总管结石,右肝管结石伴嵌顿 28 5 胆总管、 右肝管 无 无 1 90 45 是 高淀粉酶血症 2 35 男 肝门部胆管,左、右肝内胆管结石伴嵌顿 15 4 肝门部胆管,左、右肝管 无 无 2 90 51 是 无 3 87 女 肝左叶肝内胆管结石伴嵌顿 17 6 左肝管 无 无 1 90 35 是 无 4 70 女 胆总管结石,壶腹部憩室 18 1 胆总管 无 无 1 65 40 是 无 5 84 男 胆总管结石,壶腹部憩室 20 1 胆总管 无 无 1 120 85 是 胆管炎 6 67 女 胆总管结石 25 1 胆总管 无 无 1 120 70 是 胆管炎 7 52 男 左肝内胆管结石,胆管狭窄 10 >10 左肝管 胆囊切除术,胆管切开取石术、T管引流术 有 2 90 15 否 无 8 57 女 胆总管结石 32 1 胆总管 无 无 2 120 65 是 胰腺炎 9 58 女 肝左叶肝内胆管结石伴嵌顿 8 3 左肝管 无 无 1 120 26 是 胰腺炎 10 52 女 胆囊管残端结石伴嵌顿 9 1 胆囊管残端 胆囊切除术 无 1 70 15 是 无 11 71 男 胆总管结石,肝左叶肝内胆管结石伴嵌顿 9 6 胆总管 无 无 1 90 42 是 胰腺炎 12 60 男 胆囊管残端结石伴嵌顿 8 1 胆囊管残端 胆囊切除术 无 1 30 12 是 高淀粉酶血症 -
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