Nonsurgical treatment of malignant biliary obstructive diseases
摘要: 胆道恶性梗阻是由各种肝脏、胆道、胰腺原发或转移性恶性肿瘤引起,以梗阻性黄疸、肝功能损伤、胆管炎为主要临床表现的一类疾病。此类患者早期诊断较为困难,临床确诊时已进展到中晚期,大部分进展期患者已无手术切除机会。胆道引流和胆道支架置入等非手术治疗技术在此类不可切除胆道恶性梗阻性疾病患者的姑息治疗中发挥着重要作用。胆道腔内射频消融术、胆管腔内近距离放射、光动力疗法等新技术的应用进一步推动了胆道引流等非手术治疗方法的改进与疗效提高。随着研究的不断完善,这些技术有望更加规范地应用于临床实践。Abstract: Malignant biliary obstructive diseases are caused by various primary or metastatic malignancies of the liver, the biliary tract, andthe pancreas, with major clinical manifestations of obstructive jaundice, liver impairment, and cholangitis. Early diagnosis of such patients isdifficult, and most patients are in an advanced stage at the time of diagnosis and lose the opportunity for surgical resection. Nonsurgical treat-ment techniques including biliary drainage and biliary stent implantation play an important role in palliative treatment of patients with unre-sectable malignant biliary obstructive diseases. The application of new techniques, such as biliary radiofrequency ablation, intraductalbrachytherapy, and photodynamic therapy, further promotes the improvement in the effect of nonsurgical treatment methods including biliarydrainage. With the help of related research advances, these techniques can be applied in clinical practice in a standardized way.
Key words:
- biliary tract diseases /
- drainage /
- stents /
- review
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