ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R


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姓名: 钟劲
职称: 研究组长
单位: 中国科学院上海生命科学院上海巴斯德研究所



1. Tong, Y., Li, Q., Li, R., Xu, Y., Pan, Y., Niu, J., *Zhong, J., (2020) A novel approach to display structural proteins of HCV quasispecies in patients reveals a key role of E2 HVR1 in viral evolution. J. Virology, 94(17):e00622-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00622-20.

2. *Yan, Y., *Wang, X., Lou, P., Hu, Z., Qu, P., Li, D., Li, Q., Xu, Y., Niu, J., He, Y., #Zhong, J., Huang, Z. (2020) A nanoparticle-based HCV vaccine with enhanced potency. J. Infectious Diseases, pii: jiz228. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz228. [Epub ahead of print] (*The first two authors contributed equally; # co-corresponding author).

3. Guo, M., Lu, J., Gan, T., Xiang. X., Xu, Y., Xie, Q. and Zhong, J. (2019) Construction and characterization of Genotype-3 hepatitis C virus replicon revealed critical genotype-3-specific polymorphism for drug resistance and viral fitness. Antiviral Research, 171, 104612.

4. Zhao, Y., Cao, X., Guo, M., Wang, X., Yu, T., Ye. L., Han, L., Hei, L., Tao. W., Tong Y., Xu, Y. and Zhong, J. (2018) Neuralized E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 3 is an inducible antiviral effector to inhibit HCV assembly by targeting viral E1 glycoprotein. J. Virology, 92(21). pii: e01123-18. JVI spotlight.

5.  *Liang, Y., *Cao, X., Ding, Q., Zhao, Y., He, Z., Zhong, J. (2018) Hepatitis C virus NS4B induces the degradation of TRIF to inhibit TLR3-mediated interferon signaling pathway. PLOS Pathogens. 14(5):e1007075 (*The first two authors contributed equally).

6. Li, Q., Tong Y., Xu, Y., #Niu, J., #Zhong, J. (2018) Genetic Analysis of Serum-derived Defective Hepatitis C Virus Genomes Revealed Novel Viral Cis-Elements for Virus Replication and Assembly. J. Virology, 92(7). pii: e02182-17 (#corresponding author).

7. *Wang, X., *Yan, Y., Gan, T., Yang, X., Li, D., Zhou, D., Sun, Q., #Huang, Z., #Zhong, J. (2017) A trivalent HCV vaccine elicits broad and synergistic polyclonal antibody response in mice and rhesus monkey. Gut, doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314870. (*The first two authors contributed equally; #corresponding author).

8. *Tao, W., *Gan T., Guo, M., Xu, Y., Zhong, J. (2017) Novel Stable Ebola Virus Minigenome Replicon Reveals Remarkable Stability of the Viral Genome. J. Virology, 91: 22  e01316-17 (*The first two authors contributed equally). JVI spotlight.

9. Li, D., Wang, X., von Schaewen, M., Tao, W., Zhang, Y., Heller, B., Hrebikova, G., Deng, Q., Sun, Q., #Ploss, A., #Zhong, J., #Huang, Z. (2017) Immunization with a subunit hepatitis C virus vaccine elicits pan-genotypic neutralizing antibodies and intra-hepatic T-cell responses in non-human primates. J. Infectious Diseases, 215(12):1824-1831 (#corresponding author).

10. *Cao, R., *Xu, Y., Zhang, T., Yang, J., Yuan, Y., Hao, P., Shi, Y., #Zhong, J., #Zhong, W. (2017) Pediatric drug nitazoxanide: a potential choice for control of Zika. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 4(1):ofx009 (*The first two authors contributed equally; #corresponding author).

