ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R
Volume 37 Issue 9
Sep.  2021
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Theoretical basis and clinical significance of treating primary liver cancer from the perspective of "regulating and protecting Zhongzhou" in the spleen and stomach

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2021.09.005
  • Received Date: 2021-05-14
  • Accepted Date: 2021-05-14
  • Published Date: 2021-09-20
  • This article analyzes and discusses the theoretical basis and clinical significance of the treatment of primary liver cancer (PLC) from the perspective of "regulating and protecting Zhongzhou" in the spleen and stomach. The development and progression of PLC is associated with the damage of "Zhongzhou" in the spleen and stomach caused by various factors, and "ignoring Zhongzhou" and dysfunction of spleen and stomach are the important pathological mechanism of PLC, while strengthening the spleen and stomach and "caring for Zhongzhou" are important measures to strengthen vital Qi and fight against cancer. With reference to the research findings of modern studies, this article elaborates on the antitumor pharmacological effect of compound spleen/stomach-regulating prescription and related traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) drugs in improving immunity and inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, and clinical research findings further confirm the objective therapeutic efficacy and advantages of TCM drugs and prescriptions for strengthening the spleen and stomach and "caring for Zhongzhou" in the treatment of PLC. It is believed that during the syndrome differentiation and treatment of PLC, the acquired foundation of the spleen and stomach should be taken seriously, and it is necessary to "take care of Zhongzhou" and apply TCM drugs and prescriptions for strengthening the spleen, benefiting Qi, and strengthening the spleen and stomach, so as to improve overall clinical outcome.


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