ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R
Name: Kato Naoya(Japan)

Project Associate Professor, Department of Gastroenterology,Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University


Areas of Interest

·Viral hepatitis

·Hepatocellular carcinoma

·Autoimmune liver diseases: PBC, AIH, PSC 

Educational and Career Experiences

1989-1992: Research Fellow at 1st Dept of Intern Med, Chiba Univ Sch Med

1992-1993: Research Fellow at Virology Div, Natl Cancer Ctr Res Inst

1993-1998: Research Fellow at Dept Gastroenterology, Fac Med, Univ Tokyo

1999-2008: Research Assoc at Dept Gastroenterology, Grad Sch Med, Univ Tokyo

2008-2008: Project Lecturer at Dept Gastroenterology, Grad Sch Med, Univ Tokyo

2008-2013: Project Assoc Prof & Director at Unit of Disease Ctrl Genome Med, Inst Med Sci, Univ Tokyo

2013-2017: Assoc Prof and Director at Div Advanced Genome Med, Inst Med Sci, Univ Tokyo

2017-: Prof & Chair at Dept Gastroenterology, Grad Sch Med, Chiba Univ 

Honors and Awards

Research Award from Viral Hepatitis Research Foundation of Japan

Research Award from The Institute for Adult Diseases, Asahi Life Foundation

Crown Award from Japan Society of Hepatology

Academic Award from Inohana Alumni Association

Research Award from Foundation for Advancement of International Science Forum
