DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2021.07.026
The change in the prevalence of fatty liver disease and related influencing factors among Karamay residents in 2009-2016 and related influencing factors
目的 分析2009年—2016年克拉玛依市中心医院体检者脂肪性肝病(FLD)患病率变化及影响因素,为FLD防治提供参考。 方法 2009年1月—2016年12月克拉玛依市中心医院体检行腹部超声检查且性别资料齐全者共230 330人次,分析FLD患病率变化,对比历年男女性FLD患病率差异;选取2016年年龄、BMI、空腹血糖及甘油三酯等体检资料完整的33 195例体检者,分析不同年龄、BMI、性别体检者FLD患病率。采用多因素logistic回归分析FLD发生的独立影响因素。计数资料2组间比较采用χ2检验;正态分布的计量资料2组间比较采用t检验;非正态分布的计量资料2组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U秩和检验。 结果 2009年—2016年,克拉玛依市中心医院体检者FLD患病率从19.4%增长至31.9%(P<0.001),男性患病率从22.8%增长至39.5%(P<0.001);女性患病率从11.8%增长至21.6%(P<0.001),男性历年患病率均高于女性(P值均<0.001)。在2016年体检者中,青(18~44岁)、中(45~59岁)和老年(>59岁)体检者分别为17 848、10 017、5330例,FLD患病率依次升高,分别为26.1%、37.3%及41.7%(P<0.01);青中年男性体检者FLD患病率高于同年龄段女性(P值均<0.001),老年男性体检者FLD患病率低于同年龄段女性(P=0.022)。消瘦、正常、超重及肥胖体检者分别为865、13 510、12 755、6065例,FLD患病率依次升高,分别为0.8%、9.5%、39.6%及70.6%(P<0.01);各BMI分层男性FLD患病率均高于女性(P值均<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、性别、BMI、收缩压、舒张压、ALT、TBil、空腹血糖、甘油三酯、总胆固醇、血尿酸水平是FLD发生的独立影响因素(P值均<0.05)。 结论 克拉玛依市居民FLD患病率近年增长迅速,危险因素众多,应加强当地政策干预,主动宣传教育,筛查高危人群,尽早落实防治措施,以降低相关医疗负担。 -
- 脂肪肝 /
- 影响因素 /
- 新疆[维吾尔自治区]
Abstract:Objective To investigate the change in the prevalence rate of fatty liver disease (FLD) and related influencing factors among individuals undergoing physical examination in Karamay Central Hospital from 2009 to 2016, and to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of FLD. Methods Abdominal ultrasound (230 330 cases) was performed in Karamay Central Hospital from January 2009 to December 2016, and related data were used to analyze the change in the prevalence rate of FLD and compare the difference between male and female individuals. A total of 33 195 individuals who underwent physical examination in 2016 and had complete data of age, body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose, and triglyceride were selected to analyze the prevalence rate of FLD among the individuals with different ages, BMIs, and sexes. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to investigate independent influencing factors for the development of FLD. The chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups; the t-test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between groups. Results From 2009 to 2016, the prevalence rate of FLD increased from 19.4% to 31.9% among the individuals who underwent physical examination in Karamay Central Hospital (P < 0.001); the prevalence rate increased from 22.8% to 39.5% among male individuals (P < 0.001), and the prevalence rate increased from 11.8% to 21.6% among female individuals (P < 0.001), suggesting that male individuals had a significantly higher prevalence rate than female individuals in each year (P < 0.001). Among the individuals who underwent physical examination in 2016, the prevalence rate of FLD was 26.1% in 17 848 young individuals, 37.3% in 10 017 middle-aged individuals, and 41.7% in 5330 elderly individuals (P < 0.001); the young and middle-aged male individuals had a significantly higher risk of FLD than the female individuals in the same age group (both P < 0.001), and the elderly male individuals had a significantly lower risk of FLD than the female individuals in the same age group (P=0.022). There were 865 individuals with emaciation, 13 510 with normal body weight, 12 755 with overweight, and 6065 with obesity, with a prevalence rate of FLD of 0.8%, 9.5%, 39.6%, and 70.6%, respectively (P < 0.001), and the stratified analysis based on BMI showed that male individuals had a significantly higher prevalence rate of FLD than females individuals (P < 0.05). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age, sex, BMI, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, alanine aminotransferase, total bilirubin, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and serum uric acid were independent influencing factors for FLD (all P < 0.05). Conclusion There is a rapid increase in the prevalence rate of FLD among the residents of Karamay, and there are various risk factors. It is recommended to strengthen policy intervention, provide public education, screen out the high-risk population, and implement preventive and treatment measures as early as possible, so as to reduce related medical burden. -
Key words:
- Fatty Liver /
- Risk Factors /
表 1 克拉玛依市中心医院体检者2009年—2016年FLD患病率
时间 总患病率 男性患病率 女性患病率 χ2值 P值 2009年 19.4%(2539/13 107) 22.8%(2056/9007) 11.8%(483/4100) 220.1 <0.001 2010年 18.4%(5018/27 227) 24.2%(3619/14 967) 11.4%(1399/12 260) 730.9 <0.001 2011年 23.4%(7354/31 443) 29.0%(5968/20 575) 12.8%(1386/10 868) 1 048.4 <0.001 2012年 28.5%(9066/31 834) 36.0%(6617/18 397) 18.2%(2449/13 437) 1 200.1 <0.001 2013年 24.1%(7710/32 032) 30.2%(5687/18 860) 15.4%(2023/13 172) 928.9 <0.001 2014年 35.1%(9927/28 250) 45.0%(7880/17 518) 19.1%(2047/10 732) 1 960.0 <0.001 2015年 29.7%(7273/24 452) 37.0%(5341/14 445) 19.3%(1932/10 007) 883.1 <0.001 2016年 31.9%(13 406/41 985) 39.5%(9562/24 216) 21.6%(3844/17 769) 1 502.9 <0.001 表 2 2016年体检者不同年龄段、性别分层的FLD患病率比较
年龄 总患病率 男性患病率 女性患病率 χ2值 P值 18~44岁 26.1%(4653/17 848) 35.6%(3728/10 461) 12.5%(925/7387) 1 200.3 <0.001 45~59岁 37.3%(3741/10 017) 46.4%(2740/5904) 24.3%(1001/4113) 504.7 <0.001 >59岁 41.7%(2223/5330) 40.7%(1526/3749) 44.1%(697/1581) 5.2 0.022 表 3 2016年体检者不同BMI、性别分层的FLD患病率比较
BMI 总患病率 男性患病率 女性患病率 χ2值 P值 <18.5 kg/m2 0.8%(7/865) 2.6%(5/195) 0.3%(2/670) 7.0 0.008 18.5~23.9 kg/m2 9.5%(1277/13 510) 12.8%(773/6032) 6.7%(504/7478) 144.0 <0.001 24.0~27.9 kg/m2 39.6%(5049/12 755) 42.0%(3912/9314) 33.0%(1137/3441) 84.3 <0.001 ≥28 kg/m2 70.6%(4284/6065) 72.3%(3304/4573) 65.7%(980/1492) 23.4 <0.001 注:1277例正常BMI脂肪肝体检者中,中年525例,老年271例;ALT、AST、TBil、总胆固醇、甘油三酯、空腹血糖水平升高分别为209、70、373、270、564和213例。 表 4 2016年体检者FLD组与非FLD组基线资料比较
项目 FLD组(n=10 617) 非FLD组(n=22 578) 统计值 P值 性别(例) χ2=1412.8 <0.001 男 7994 12 120 女 2623 10 458 年龄(岁) 46(37~53) 42(32~49) Z=29.3 <0.001 BMI(kg/m2) 27.56±3.45 23.48±3.17 t=103.2 <0.001 空腹血糖(mmol/L) 5.25(4.80~5.92) 4.91(4.57~5.33) Z=42.5 <0.001 收缩压(mm Hg) 133.87±17.73 122.87±17.27 t=53.2 <0.001 舒张压(mm Hg) 82.93±12.22 75.64±11.72 t=51.3 <0.001 ALT(U/L) 27.80(19.76~41.00) 17.00(12.60~24.20) Z=72.4 <0.001 TBil(μmol/L) 13.84(10.53~18.16) 13.31(10.04~17.52) Z=7.8 <0.001 甘油三酯(mmol/L) 1.86(1.29~2.60) 1.06(0.76~1.53) Z=77.1 <0.001 总胆固醇(mmol/L) 4.89±1.00 4.53±0.89 t=32.1 <0.001 血尿酸(μmol/L) 357.32±85.66 298.35±80.09 t=59.7 <0.001 注:FLD患者中,76例AST/ALT>2,其中仅21例AST>40 U/L;8071例ALT/AST>1,其中2700例ALT>40 U/L。据此推算,酒精性FLD占比非常少。本研究缺少病毒性肝炎相关数据。 表 5 2016年体检者发生FLD的logistic回归分析
因素 B值 P值 OR 95%CI 性别 0.298 <0.001 1.347 1.249~1.454 年龄(岁) 0.017 <0.001 1.017 1.014~1.020 BMI(kg/m2) 0.302 <0.001 1.353 1.339~1.367 空腹血糖(mmol/L) 0.123 <0.001 1.131 1.108~1.154 收缩压(mm Hg) 0.003 0.013 1.003 1.001~1.006 舒张压(mm Hg) 0.006 0.001 1.006 1.002~1.009 ALT(U/L) 0.015 <0.001 1.015 1.014~1.017 TBil(μmol/L) 0.007 0.002 1.007 1.003~1.012 总胆固醇(mmol/L) 0.088 <0.001 1.092 1.056~1.129 甘油三酯(mmol/L) 0.338 <0.001 1.402 1.361~1.445 血尿酸(μmol/L) 0.004 <0.001 1.004 1.004~1.005 -
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