Rapid progression or aggravation of jaundice, coagulation abnormalities and liver-related complications in patients with alcoholichepatitis indicates that they may develop severe alcoholic hepatitis. Some of these patients can progress acute-on-chronic liver failure withacute insults, such as infection and binge drinking and binge, showing as acute decompensation, organ failure and high 28-day mortalityrate. Early identification and effective intervention can improve the prognosis of acute-on-chronic liver failure. Intestinal barrier dysfunc-tion and liver-gut axis imbalance play an important role in the development of severe alcoholic hepatitis and acute-on-chronic liver fail-ure. It is important to improve the basic nutritional status of patients. Effective drug therapies are limited in improving the condition andprognosis of acute-on-chronic liver failure. Early liver transplantation can bring great benefits to these patients.
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